Hangin' with Bags

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Back on the Horse

This past week I finally found employment. The economy sticks here in Central Florida and everywhere from what I hear, so job hunting has been long and tedious. The good news is I may have found something I'll be sticking with for a while and not have that continual itch to get my video production work up and running and rely on that as our sole income...or lack of income!
I'm working at one of the largest, if not the largest hospital networks in Central Florida in Materials Management. It's great so far and hope to get my radiology technician degree in the next year or 2. If that happens, I'll probably just stay at the hospital I'm in now. The benefits are awesome and it's a pretty good environment to work in. I've already got a few stories to tell when it's not past my bedtime. The only drawback I see now is my shift starts at 5am and i live about 45 minutes away. Not a good scenario for a lifelong night person!!