Say hello world to "Baby J". That's my little boy 3 months before his arrival. The 3-D imagery is way cool and actually puts a face and features with the little blob we usually see from an ultra sound. Even though he's still not here, I still think he's the cutest baby I've ever seen!
If you've seen my "photobucket" pictures and compare a particular pic of my dad to his grandson here, you'll understand why I chose this picture! If not, you can ask and I'll "point" you in the right direction!!! Dad, you can thank me later!!
Now, the laughs...
Here’s a message to anyone reading this who is due to appear in court on some charge or another: don’t bring your marijuana!
That’s exactly what prosecutors in Hempstead, New York, say that 25-year-old Barry Maharaj did on September 10 when pleading guilty to drunk driving and, unsurprisingly, a prior charge of possession of marijuana.
Maharaj was all set to walk out of the courtroom a free man, having already served the 10 days that he was sentenced to serve in jail.
But, Steven Schwartz chief of the Nassau district attorney’s office District Court Bureau, says that Judge Norman St. George required Maharaj to surrender his conditional driver’s license as part of the plea bargain.
Maharaj handed over the paper document to the judge’s clerk, who proceeded to open the folded-up record.
“She looked at it and was kind of stunned,” Schwartz said. In the creases of the paper was marijuana.”
The clerk then presented loose buds to the judge, who who had Maharaj rearrested for marijuana possession, according to Schwartz.
Maharaj is due back in court on September 26.
Congrats on such a becoming baby boy! Say that three times fast!
What an idiot. Not you. The dork with the MaryJane!
Whoa! That is way too cool!! I'm sure he'll be cute as can be!!
Loved that picture of you below with the dog licking your face!! You don't really appear to be enjoying it though!
As for the guy in court with the weed...well, I'll bet he cleans his wallet out soon!!
Good thing Jayden looks a lot like his granddaddy, HA!
Love yer guts,
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