Hangin' with Bags

Saturday, February 16, 2008


It's been a while, I know. Life has thrown me an unexpected curve ball and I'm just know getting my head above water again. Thank goodness January is over with! Good thing for a new year, to start off fresh, right?
Baby J and the wifey are doing awesome. Baby J is 9 weeks old now and as of this past Thursday, he weighs 13 lbs and 3 oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. He's in the 90th percentile of both categories and has already graduated to 3-6 month old clothing and #2 size diapers. He's a VERY healthy boy! He's talking a lot now and interacting with us more. My dad loves the little guy to death and has successfully taught Baby J how to stick out his tongue. He sticks it out now when he plays, talks, cries, eats, and even when he's just sitting still. We are thinking he's gonna talk with a lisp! It's great watching my dad and grandparents play with the little guy. He's familiar with them now and chats up a storm when he sees them.
We'll be flying out to Salt Lake in April to show him off to wifey's family and friends. His grandma is very excited to see him. Here's a few recent pics.


Doug Bagley said...

Love that grandbaby! I love his parents too, but let's face it, nothing like a baby to make grown men go gaw, gaw and act like idiots, LOL! Speaking of which, I haven't seen the little guy for a day and am having withdrawls.

Anonymous said...

So glad to 'see' that you are back around. Was actually getting worried.

Cute family pic!
