Hangin' with Bags

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Gonna Be a Daddy

Well, that's right. I'm gonna be a "pops" for the first time. I hope this photo won't disgust any of you (if anyone is actually reading my site by now!), and I'm not one of those people whose constantly throwing my business around and shoving it down every one's throat. I am passionate about certain things, and my family being one of those things, but this still is kinda outta character for me to upload this pic.
But I will be a 1st time dad by the end of the year and that is something awesome I am excited about. I guess this picture is mostly for those who are far away, like my friends, family out west and my wife's family and friends out west, in Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines.
This ultrasound is at about 3 months. Still too early to tell the sex of the baby, but as long as it's healthy, and my wife ends up healthy, that's all that matters!
If you'd like a laugh, visit my dad's blog at www.humorbydoug.blogspot.com
He wrote a short tongue and cheek article about becoming a grandpa for the 1st time you might find funny.


Rachel said...

Hi! I have been reading your Dad's blog for quite some time, and that's how I found you. He is always good for a laugh and writes well. And me, I love to laugh, so that works well. Congratulations on being a Dad. Go ahead and drag him to the hospital. Ah heck, you probably won't have to. Grand kids seem to change things for some people. Next thing you know he'll have one of those bumper stickers that say, "If I knew grandkids were this much fun, I'd had them first!"

Valerie said...

congrats on daddyhood...and watch out for your dad...your daughters (if any) aren't gonna have a chance!