Hangin' with Bags

Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Racoon eyes" taking time off....finally

Woo hoo....After tomorrow I'm on vacation! 1st vacation since my honeymoon over 2 years ago! I have mixed emotions about the vacation...yes, I know that doesn't normal but since I do route sales/delivery I really get screwed out of some money for the week I'm off. I really need to change professions! 8-5 and same vacation pay doesn't exist in my world....for now. So if anyone has ideas on how to get some cash in the next few weeks, send me some ideas. Maybe I should've put up a little different picture for this post.
On the good side of life, my dad has now figured out how to link my blog to his blog so more of my dad's fan club will be exposed to my off beat humor. Wait, if you've read my dad's blog, you're probably already exposed to that.

1 comment:

Doug Bagley said...

Hey Big Guy,
Enjoy your vacation. Still have 4 days left of mine. Not sure when I'll take it.
Saw your sweet wifey today at the store. You done good boy, you done good.